Rejuvenate your mood
Elemental Mapping
We begin by assessing you thoroughly to find out exactly where you are and where you would like to be with your mental and physical health. Our assessments are used in healthcare and wellness providers around the world including the NHS. We use a psychotherapy-based approach to determine a treatment plan.
Powerful, precise therapy
During your first face-to-face appointment, you will receive floatation and photobiomodulation light therapy designed to heal and rejuvenate your brain. We use precise wavelengths of light to repair and cleanse brain cells. It’s like Laser eye surgery but for your mental health.
Wearable technology at-home
You will also receive your headset technology which we will set up with you and show you how to use for the duration of your treatment course. The headset uses electromagnetic energy to stimulate the brain regions which can alter your mood without, or alongside, any prescribed medication.
Precision nutritional support
You will also receive a course of precisely-targeted nutritional supplements to amplify and enhance the effects of your physical treatments. The building blocks of cellular function arise from the diet and we use world-class nutritional extracts to construct them.
Online monitoring
We monitor your progress remotely and adjust your treatment as necessary to tailor a personal plan according to your progress. You receive a final face-to-face treatment and review session in clinic at the end of your course and the option to continue with a low-cost maintenance program.