Begin your Wellness Journey

Elemental Mapping

We begin by assessing you thoroughly to find out exactly where you are and where you would like to be with your mental and physical health. Our assessments are used in healthcare and wellness providers around the world including the NHS.

Packing your Resilience Rucksack

We will help prepare you to find solutions to your wellness needs using resources you already have and by providing equipment we will show you how to use so that you ca get started straight away.

Setting your Care Compass

We will develop a personalised care plan for you to set out exactly which direction you need to travel in over the coming weeks and how to navigate around problems to improve your cellular health.

Charting your co-ordinates

We will monitor and guide you during the treatment course even as you are receiving treatment in your home. We can track your progress and offer you support to help you to achieve your wellness goals.

Plant your Flag

Once you have achieved your improvement in your mental and physical health goals we will show you how to keep your gains over the long-term with access to a maintenance and review program.