Upgrade your mental and physical health with access to the latest scientific treatments

·       Personalised treatment plans delivered at home with face-to-face and online support

·       Medication-free wearable technology that works alongside existing treatments

·       Utilised by NHS and leading neuroscience centres across the world

  • Holistic, high-technology treatments

    Twice as effective as antidepressant medication

    Work alone or alongside existing treatments to enhance their effects

    Delivered in the comfort and convenience of your own home

    Face-to-face and online monitoring and support

  • Holistic, high-technology treatments

    Elemental use of light, heat, cold, vibration and magnetic forces to target healing at a cellular level

    Work alone or alongside existing treatments to enhance their effects

    Delivered in the comfort and convenience of your own home

    Face-to-face and online monitoring and support

  • Safe, proven, holistic, high-technology treatments

    Treat and prevent memory and sleep problems such as Mild Cognitive Impairment, Pre-Dementia, Dementia and Insomnia

    Work alone or alongside existing medications to enhance their effects

    Delivered in the comfort and convenience of your own home

    Face-to-face and online monitoring and support

Start now

  • Choose & Book Online

    Decide your personalised treatment pathway designed to work independently or alongside existing medications

  • Pick-Up in Clinic

    Face-to-face assessment in Douglas to deliver your first treatment and show you how to use your equipment

  • Continue Treatment at Home

    Monitored, effective care delivered in privacy, safety and comfort at your own convenience

Our Story

  • NHS Doctor & Nurse

    Set up and delivered by clinicians with a background in Neuroscience Research

  • Powered by Nature

    Concentrating Elements of Light, Heat, Water, Air, Cold, Electricity and Precision Nutrition to treat you at a cellular level and heal from the inside-out

  • Driven by Results

    Focussed by science, used by hospitals and universities around the world, we integrate mental and physical health to provide effective, safe treatments suitable for everybody

Choose your plan

Three Month Premium Course


Per Month


Three Month Complete Course


Per Month

Equipment Only




Does this replace treatment from my doctor?

No - all of our treatments are designed to work independently or alongside existing medical treatments. In many instances they will enhance the treatments you are already receiving from your doctor.

Can I have all of my treatments at home?

Our treatments are all designed individually to help you and we are happy to arrange any combination of care delivered in clinic or in the comfort and convenience of your own home.

Do all of the treatments last three months?

All of our standard treatment packages are designed to be delivered over three months however we offer discounted rates for repeat customers wishing to have maintenance or top-up sessions over longer time periods.

Do I need referrals or prescriptions for any of the treatments?

No referrals or prescriptions are needed to access any of the treatments. We do not use any medications and, in general, the technologies we use are side-effect free and suitable for everyone. If you are being treated for any medical conditions or are in any special medical categories (for example pregnancy) please check that you are suitable to participate with your physician.

How do I know that the treatments are likely to be effective?

All of our treatments are based in science and backed by published research from leading healthcare centres around the world. In many cases, our assessment and treatment protocols are not yet available in regular healthcare settings. We provide comprehensive monitoring so that the delivery of your package can be individualised and you can track your progress.

Do I need a diagnosis to access these therapies?

Not at all, our treatment packages are designed for everyone wanting to boost their physical and mental wellness as well as those diagnosed with health conditions.